Eddie Posted February 17 Posted February 17 You can run Take-off and Landing Performance calculations on the On-board Information System (OIS) display itself via the T.O PERF and LDG PERF pages respectively. TAKE-OFF PERFORMANCE PAGEThe amber boxes denote mandatory data that must be filled in to COMPUTE a take-off performance calculation. (Click to enlarge image) CONDITIONS DATA This data can be filled in manually or automatically by clicking the SYNC button at the bottom. The SYNC button will fill in the amber mandatory fields with the following data Latest METAR for the selected Departure airport Current Aircraft Gross Weight You can customize the remaining conditions per best fit for your conditions RWY COND: DRY or WET A-ICE: OFF, ON (ENG), ON (ENG & WING) CONF: 1+F, 2 or 3 for your Flaps configuration. You should try running different configs in case you fail to find a result on your first choice. AIR COND: ON (STD) or OFF depending on whether or not you intend to keep Packs ON during takeoff. You should try a Packs OFF departure when extra engine performance is necessary (high altitude, temperature or weights) THRUST: FLEX (STD) or TOGA. Consider using a TOGA takeoff when extra engine performance is necessary (high altitude, temperature or weights). DEPARTURE DATA You must select your DEP airport (ICAO Code) and runway to obtain the TORA, ELVN and other data necessary to compute Take-Off performance. You can enter this Manually via the on-screen keyboard, OR Via an import from your FMGS data (SYNC FMGS) if the INIT has been completed and a DEP selected, OR Via an import from your Simbrief OFP (SYNC SIMBRIEF) Quote Note: The 'SYNC SIMBRIEF' feature requires you to set-up your Simbrief Pilot ID (numbers only) on the OIS Third party settings page (FLTS OPS MENU > OPTIONS > 3RD PARTY). Your Simbrief Pilot ID is found on the 'Account Settings' page on the Simbrief.com website. Click on the SIMBRIEF USER ID text field and then use the On-Screen Keyboard. (Click to enlarge image) RESULTS Once all the amber mandatory fields are filled in and you see <OK> next to your DEP airport and runway selection, click the COMPUTE button to obtain a takeoff performance result. The key information you will need from this V-SPEEDS: V1 / VR / V2 THRUST: Flex Thrust Temp MTOW (PERF): The maximum takeoff weight for the presently input CONDITIONS data. STP MARGIN: The remaining distance between the end of the runway and the computed stopping position of the aircraft You can press the SEND TO FMGS button to send this data directly to the FMS PERF page. (Click to enlarge image) On the FMS PERF page, you will see a yellow CONFIRM TO SPDS* button which you can press to complete the OIS Take-off performance data uplink. (Click to enlarge image) LANDING PERFORMANCE PAGEThe amber boxes denote mandatory data that must be filled in to COMPUTE a landing performance calculation. (Click to enlarge image) CONDITIONS DATA This data can be filled in manually or automatically by clicking the SYNC button at the bottom. The SYNC button will fill in the amber mandatory fields with the following data Latest METAR for the selected Arrival airport Estimated aircraft landing Gross Weight from the FMS You can customize the remaining conditions per best fit for your conditions RWY COND: Choose the current runway condition from DRY / WET / COMPACTED SNOW / DRY SNOW / WET SNOW / SLUSH / STANDING WATER / ICE COLD AND DRY. These will affect your landing distance / braking action. CONF: FLAPS 3 or FULL. The FLAPS 3 settings allows you to carry more energy into your approach and is recommended in case of reported windshear and/or severe turbulence VPILOT: This is the extra speed margin you intend to use over your VAPP. Usually used in windy conditions. LDG TECHNIQUE: MANUAL or AUTOLAND. Manual landing figures based on threshold speed of Vls. Autoland figures based on threshold speed of Vls + autothrust increment (5kts). BRK MODE: MANUAL or MEDIUM REV: YES or NO. This refers to use of reverse thrust. ARRIVAL DATA You must select your ARR airport (ICAO Code) and runway to obtain the LENGTH, ELVN and other data necessary to compute Landing performance. You can enter this Manually via the on-screen keyboard, OR Via an import from your FMGS data (SYNC FMGS) if the INIT has been completed and a ARR selected, OR Via an import from your Simbrief OFP (SYNC SIMBRIEF) RESULTS Once all the amber mandatory fields are filled in and you see <OK> next to your ARR airport and runway selection, click the COMPUTE button to obtain a landing performance result. The key information you will need from this VAPP: This is your computed approach speed for the calculations. LDA: This is the total Landing Distance Available for the selected runway per the database. FACTORED LD: This is your demonstrated landing distance for the given configuration and weather conditions with some additional safety margins. It is essentially your "legal" landing distance. You want this to be less then STOP MARGIN/ LD: The remaining distance between the end of the runway and the computed stopping position of the aircraft using the Landing Distance. STOP MARGIN/ FLD: The remaining distance between the end of the runway and the computed stopping position of the aircraft using the Factored Landing Distance. (Click to enlarge image) EddieCommunity Manager IniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com
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