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on the latest update and without using any import feature, but a full manual entry of the plan, winds and temps, it seems entered winds are not displayed correctly on the F-PLN page.

- A       : INIT B without cruise wind entered. If I inter the ToC forecast wind, there is no change to the issue.

- B / C : F-PLN only shows the exact same wind as the one I have entered into the 1st waypoint after ToC. (218/13).

- D       : Shows the first waypoint wind entered and all previous and subsequent waypoints showing the same wind in small print. Reference waypoint "DIBIR".

- E       : Sample waypoint DIBIR, where on the previous picture shows "280/13", shows the planned wind entered manually into its VERT REV page.

Note that the temperature forecast does update as you enter them by waypoint.

Furthermore, after the plane is airborne, the winds displayed in the F-PLN temps/winds page per waypoint, seem to have a mind of their own. The change values as the flight progresses. For example, when I started typing this post, the displayed winds at SUPEL was "216/13" whereas now, 6 minutes later, the planned wind over SUPEL is "212/14". (Entered forecast wind over SUPEL is "185/37".








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