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Level speed performance


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I have just charted out the level speed performance at FL300. The chart indicates over-performance at lower power settings and under-performance at higher power settings. I've attached the Level Speed Performance Chart for the CT-133 and have annotated the results on the chart. It would appear to be either an airframe drag or engine power issue. I' will be charting out another one at a lower altitude to see if there's a correlation.  




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Same test but at S.L. All parameters are the same. Very similar trend in performance. Seem that the drag or thrust curves could use some tweaking.



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I have done simple fuel calculator and took some original data, i think from the same source

I've noticed also significant differences and troubles with setting fuel consumption parameters. 

I think T33 flies close but not exactly to the numbers.

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20 minutes ago, Artpom said:

I have done simple fuel calculator and took some original data, i think from the same source

I've noticed also significant differences and troubles with setting fuel consumption parameters. 

I think T33 flies close but not exactly to the numbers.

The charts are from a 1962 revision of the RCAF T-33 Mk.3 Aircraft Operating Instruction. I have a 2001 revision but all of the fuel/range performance numbers are in pounds of fuel and not gallons. 

Yes, the fuel consumption is definitely too high at low power settings and too low at higher settings. This appears to manifest itself in better speed performance at lower power settings along with greater range and less speed performance at high power settings. I was going to post a range performance comparison but all it does is confirm the numbers I posted here and it would probably be much closer once the performance matches these charts. And it's a bit more work as the range charts fuel is in Imperial gallons whereas the sim is in US gallons. 



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