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iniBuilds A350 Airliner - In Development FAQ


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What variants will be present on release? 

On release we will have the A350-900 TRENT XWB-84 and the A350-1000 TRENT XWB-97. 

We have custom data for:


  • EGT (Exhaust gas temperature)
  • Fuel flow for all phases of flight
  • N1 values for all phases of flight
  • THR% data which is specific to modern Airbus family aircraft

The A350-900 will have both winglet types available. (Old & New).

What about the ULR?

We will release the A350-900 ULR variant (for free) post release. What is the ULR? The A350 ULR has a small change to the landing gear and can take extra fuel in the tanks. The landing gear is stronger for the increased MTOW and MLW allowing for the flights like Project Sunrise. 

Will the A350 have the FLS landing system?

Yes the A350 will be fitted with FLS as modern family Airbus aircraft only use the XLS concept with FINAL APP not being used anymore.

Will the A350 have the original OIS with the same functionalities or it will be something fictional?

The OIS will be something made by iniBuilds but done in the style and format of the real A350 OIS. This allows integration of simulation features into the OIS while also keeping that original look from the A350. We will be aiming to simulate a set version of the A350s OIS system to suit the data we have access to. 

Will the A350 have functioning OIS screens and OANS on the ND display for BTV and taxi?

The OIS will have many functions lifted from the real thing including takeoff landing performance and other ACARS functions replicated from the real aircraft. OANS will be fully simulated along with BTV functions. During our simulator visit we spent along time capturing these details to make sure we have all the data we need

Will the A350 come with its HUD?

For the A350 family the HUD is quite a rare option and at this time we are not looking at implementing this.

What kind of system depth will you go for with the A350? Will it include secondary flight plan and pilot waypoints for the FMS and MCDU?

We intend to replicate close to all the MCDU functions on the A350 including SEC F-PLN and if possible; SEC F-PLN 2 and 3 along with pilot waypoints on the ND via the cursor mode.

Is the A350 going to have HCF (Heading Control Function)? It's a great feature that makes taxiing a whole lot easier?

This feature will be present in the aircraft. 

Can I please ask if the A350 will come delivered with the ability to do auto step climbs during accelerated simulations?

We intend to support auto step climbs and accelerated simulation. At this time, we can’t give a hard value to what level of acceleration will be supported as this can depend on how the final AP and auto flight system react.


Will we have the 90-60 call-outs on the A350/A380? Would be amazing to have these as do the real aircraft!

This feature will be present in the aircraft. 

Will the "bogie" movement on the A350's landing gear be animated?

We do intend to animate the bogie dropping after the aircraft has touched down for both the -900 and -1000.

Will you implement the special “What If” function on the A350 MCU?

What is the WHAT IF function? It allows you to tell the A350 on the SEC F-PLN 1 2 or 3 that you have had either an “Engine failure” or “depressurization” and it will then give you an EFOB for the SEC F-PLN DEST and an ETA. We want to try and simulate this function coupling it into the SEC 1 2 and 3 functions.

Will you be able to implement different MTOW Variant of the A350? (e.g. for A350-900 there are 250t, 268t, 275t, 280t)

In MSFS you have to set one MTOW value as this is what is read from the simulator and we normally aim to go for the highest MTOW version so long as we have good data coupled with this. It would be possible to simulate via the OIS lower MTOW values but the MTOW reported by the simulator would still be the highest value.

And lastly, will there be an option for toggling SATCOM ON/OFF for even greater visual accuracy?

This feature will be present in the aircraft. 

Will the A350 have things adding more failures, more options in performance calculations (climb gradients, obstacle clearance and so on) and maybe circuit breakers?

We do intend to have a base level set of failures that can be actioned in the simulator along with some other types of failures that we will talk about at a later date!

Most of the reset panel will be simulated, these are the closest thing you will get to a CB in the A350 flightdeck. Reset panel 1 and 2 are located on the upper left and right of the overhead and allow the pilots to reset systems that might have failed rather than have to pull a set to CBs on the back wall.

We will have more options in the perf calculator to cover climb gradients and obstacle clearance. 

Is GPS jamming/spoofing going to be simulated on the A350? This is a common thing pilots deal with on a daily basis, especially over Turkey, Iraq and Kuwait, places particularly frequently visited by wide-body aircraft?

We want to try and simulate challenges line pilots come across day to day and will have a system to allow this level of challenge to be scaled for each user.

Will the product have CPDLC & Hoppie Integration? 

We intend to have full CPDLC integration using Hoppie. CPDLC in the A350 is also integrated directly into the aircraft not a separated DCDU like on the 320 family.

We also intent to have a fully simulated ACARS system with some never seen before functionality which we will showcase at a later date.


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