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A350 visual details

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As far as I noticed in the previous inibuilds aircrafts the texturing of the exterior is always satisfying/good, but when it comes to 3D modeling and animation, especially with the flaps I noticed a few problems with a320neo, where the flaps simply come down but don't actually move back like they do irl and it looks like they're hiding below the wing, that's a different topic though, as a type of person who enjoys wing views, my question is, are you guys aiming for maximum level of realism with the a350 in terms of the modeling and how the flaps will be placed/animated when deployed? 



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There are updates to the A320neo in production, and look to other products such as the A300-600R. Very complex and accurate animations and modelling. A350 will far exceed anything else that you will have seen produced elsewhere. 


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