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Registration Terms

By creating an account on the iniBuilds Forum, you are agreeing to following rules.

- Posting of any inappropriate content is prohibited.

- Distribution or discussion of links/files containing viruses, malware, illegal software, torrents etc. is prohibited.

- Software solicitation and/or bartering is strictly prohibited.

- No advertising of any form is allowed without explicit permission.

- Please do not spam the text channels (text, images, emojis, CAPS, etc.)

- Respect other members of the forum, no bullying is allowed.

- Respect other developers within the community. Rude comments directed toward any developer will be removed.

- Soliciting or spamming iniBuilds Staff members and painters for content relating to iniBuilds Ltd. or company information regarding the services we provide will NOT be tolerated and is prohibited in any form or fashion.

- A description of the intended purpose or use of each forum category can be found in the category description. Any topic that does not follow this can be moved, and even hidden or deleted.

- Do not argue with staff, all decisions are final.

- Do not ask for release dates, information will be released on official forum threads.

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