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Everything posted by FlyChris

  1. Nevermind, I just saw that it just came out today on the cowansim homepage.
  2. Hello, is there any plan or timeframe when the Cowansim H125 v2.0 update will come to iniBuilds?
  3. Hey, sound good. Thank you👍
  4. Hello, as you have Scenery developers in your Store, like TaiModels, who develope sceneries for XP12 it would be great to add an option to the iniManger to install that sceneries there. Otherwise it is not possible because we don't get any .zip files with the purchase in your store and I don't want to buy the sceneries twice!
    As always superb! One thing i noticed with the N66056 reg. On the left side the Reg says N65056. Maybe you could update that 😉
    How to open and close the doors with Sam3? There is no option in the new SAM Menu for "controls"
  5. Hello, is it possible to transfer products from other stores to the iniManager and if so how? Thank you. Greetings Christoph
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