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Everything posted by Aleksey

  1. So I added new one "work" folder and put the route to the simbrief app and airplane found the desired route.
  2. I found the folder that you suggest but flightplan folder is absente. Need I to create new one?
  3. I always did that in the FS2020 version. And I use simbrief all the time. But for the simbrief application to work correctly, I have to specify the correct path for saving the flight plan file.
  4. Hello. Tell me please where is the flight plan folder of the Compatible A300-600 version in the XBox MSFS2024? Thanks. This is my simulator and airplane folder location.
  5. File aircraft.cfg is not generating by iniManager. I added livery manually.
  6. Dear Eddie, I am using Compatible version. I added one livery manually by putting file aircraft.cfg that absent in the livery folder provided by iniManager. About Compatible and Premium version there are defference?
  7. You can add the liveries manually. Like the FSX.
  8. Manual adding liveries required.
  9. So to add liveries need to do that manually.
  10. As I understand the Premium version is the same as the Compatible version. So that's mean the problelems also the same?
  11. Hello. I have installed V1.1.3 to the FS2024. Airplane is visible but liveries installed via iNiApp Manager are not visible and does not possible to choose them. Also it is not possible to go back to the sim menu after flight loading with the A300-600F in the anly airports. Sim come to the freezing.
  12. Throttle problems appeared after 1.0.4 or 1.0.5?
  13. It seems to me that Take Off Detend zone is not passing by power lewers.
  14. 1) FD is not change from first to second turning point on track. 2) Redused power on take off to 86% RPM. For all modes - FLEX, manual TOGA. Redused power are maintaining till reaching of accelerating altitude. 3) On tablet on Navigraph page airplane positioning is absent. 4)Push zone for switching active radio on COM1 is not active if parking brake are set. 5) During ILS app at small altitude near DH with AP active airplane making left turn up to 30 degrees bank. I disconnect autopilot and make manual landing.
  15. I also have redused power at taking off. With throttle full lever indicator on RPM gate stop on 86%, RPM also increased to 86%. Take off mod was FLEX TO 43 ot manual TOGA - is no differences. After take off power going to climb thrust itself. Additionaly after take off in NAV mode first point of flight plan is not changing to next one and FD turning to th left or right side to intecept passed point.
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