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  1. I think all heavy jets kinda need this now. Otherwise, they feel really static. Also the wingflex needs to vibrate more at the wingtip at a faster rate than the mid-section of the wing. Fenix does that really well so far.
  2. Yep, without it, I have to stay awake for the entire flight to switch frequencies
  3. Also as a content creator watching the replay, the wingflex and engine shake isn't there. Wing tip needs to vibrate more, not just flexing around the wingbox. The engine should shake when touching down. Those heavy bitches tried to stay on the engine strut when rapidly deaccelerating/reverse thrust.
  4. Can the developer make the engine shake animation swivel around the engine strut like in this video: See how it pitches up, down, swivels side to side and the engine strut moves too... This makes simmer really feels the weight of this this jet / the unforgiving conditions flying through the air whether on a small monitor, VR or on a ultrawide So far in the sim, the engine only swing side to side, which kills the immersion, and sometimes it shakes for no reason while the rest of the plane isn't even experiencing turbulence.
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