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  1. Sadly no. The issue was not fixed in update V1.0.2 😞
  2. When activating Auto Step Climb in the options menu on the EFB, then what to do next? Well, I am familiar with auto step climb on the PGMG 777, but how does it work in a350? Example: Flightplan from CPH to Denver. Initial CRZ level is FL360 with step climb to FL380 approx. 1200 nm at a waypoint. The info is entered into FCU at the right pos. but what to do then? I do the initial climb in managed mode and when FL360 is reached, then the the plane levels out and the "alt" button lits up. If I continue the flight up until the waypoint where the step climb is going to take place, nothing happens. ie. the plane does not step up to FL380. I can manually set FL380 and press "managed" mode, but that is not "Auto Step Climb" What am I doing wrong??? EDIT: Must have been a bad flight plan or something else. Now everything is working as expected 🙂
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