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Guxi last won the day on February 18 2021

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  1. Guxi

    Steering axis death

    I send you a Video via Contact Form...
  2. Guxi

    Steering axis death

    Yes, I did a complet fresh installation... nothing changed.
  3. Guxi

    Steering axis death

    I'm sorry, but which setting? i'm not talking about the Wheel steering. The Elevator, Aileron, throttle and rudder doesn't visible move, but when i push the hardewarethrottle, the engines rise up. Also at beginning of a new flight, the Hydraulics and Oil/APU are always zero. After maintenance there are up to full, but loading a new flight they goes back to zero.
  4. Guxi

    Steering axis death

    I use the Flight Sim Yoke from Sitek and the CH Throttle and Pedals.
  5. Hello Afer the Update to 1.3 all Axes seems death. The Buttons are working, but the Axes don't move. I tryed a fresh install from the Plane, did not help. the other Planes from the sim running normal.
    Niceley done! In my opinion, the dark stripe and the Engine Nacelles are pure black. I changed it for me. And the Swissair letters are over 12 Windows...
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    Very nice Livery, Thank you!!
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      • Thanks
  6. Sure i know this before... 😃👍
  7. Looking forward to the A310!! I realy miss this plane! I hope you will made this beautiful liverys!
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