I'm trying not to "bash" you guys here... but.. I've not managed to do a single flight end to end in this aircraft yet (all on MSFS 2024 with the beta enrolled in as instructed). Example problems I've had;
1. Repeated CTDs on load, this was a bit too frequent, although significantly less since the update released within the last hour or so.
2. Often fails to even load and sits on the MSFS loading screen waiting for the flight to commence after hitting fly now (this is still frequent).
3. After an automatic pause at top of descent, after 3 or more hours flying normally.. I un-paused the sim (as I was actually at the machine when the TOD was reached so the "un-pause" was almost immediate) and the aircraft proceeded to turn itself into what I can only describe as a Saturn V, hurtling upwards at an astonishing rate.. presumably to get into orbit or something... That was a surprise... and I imagine came as a bit of a shock for those in the back having a nap..
4. I needed a lot of power to taxi (I dread to think of the mess I made at the gate) and then after getting to the runway threshold for some reason.. the aircraft "decided" it was no longer going to accept my tiller input and refused to turn left, even with full left tiller it actually decided to turn right. To be fair to you guys.. I do wonder whether this wasn't an A350 thing, and more an MSFS 2024 thing... so I wouldn't necessary put that at your door... and oddly after a restart it was good as gold..
5. The aircraft loaded, after WASM data was re-generated but I got a flightdeck in cold and dark playing a constant tone (similar to the one Boeing makes when capturing an altitude) and no button presses (such as turning on external power etc.) worked... The flight deck was totally dead. After a subsequent restart it then failed to load completely. I am about to stop the sim again, delete the WASM folder (for probably the 30th time now, I do this so often I now have a batch script to do this for me automatically for both sims.. and have to wait for the recompile every time...) and try again. I feel that this just shouldn't be the case.
6. Loading times are massively variable, sometimes a couple of minutes and it's away.. sometimes much longer.. and sometimes so long I give up and just close the sim..
I'll be honest, when it's working (which isn't that often in my case) it's pretty dam good, the visuals are great, sound is good, system modelling seems (without being an expert) pretty complete and has a high degree of accuracy... But all the above has really taken the shine off of this for me, especially since it cost over £70.
I am not "that guy" that reverts to simply demanding refunds for products at the first sign of trouble, I assure you.. I am really persevering with this thing.. and I've been trying to resolve my issues with the discord chat and this forum without hassling people (because I know they are bug fixing)... but it's just getting exhausting now... there is just always something... And I know everyone says "submit support tickets"... but I honestly wouldn't know where to start.. my problems aren't consistent... or easily repeatable.. and vary wildly.. etc...
Is there something obvious I'm missing? Are further updates / fixes expected in the coming days? If so I'm tempted to just shelve it for now and wait for those to filter through...