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Everything posted by PeetNZ

  1. If SU1 (only beta available right now), then why would this not be listed (as on 3March2024) in the system requirements https://inibuilds.com/products/inibuilds-a350-airliner-msfs-2024 I'm left feeling quite disappointed by iniBuild right now waiting for a fix or SU1 to be released
  2. Yeah, did the same thing but as soon as there some interaction to SimBrief or Navigraph then it freezes. I'm not a fan of going down the Beta path for any updates (SU1), so don't know, as iniBuilds support suggest, if that fixes the problem since it's allot of work to check if it is a solution. Maybe it's just a waiting game for the public release of SU1 but hear that's been delayed.
  3. iniBuild Support report that they recommend using the SU1 Beta to avoid any issues. I have not tested this due to reports that you may have to re-install MSFS2024 Sim Update 1 Beta Now Available to Join | MSFS 2024 - Microsoft Flight Simulator I have found that any Navigraph / SimBrief interaction causes the Sim to crash (not CTD but do have to 'End Process') where there is not way back.
  4. Found this which stopped the freezing, it appears to be related to Navigraph component of the A350s I seem to recall the freezing started after I entered my SimBrief and Navigraph details in to the config of the plane.
  5. I have also raised a ticket for this, will update this thread when I have any updates. Until then I'll play with variations to see if this helps to solve the problem.
  6. Have uninstalled A350, Liveries & Reduced Texture Resolution (v1.01) Re-Installed base A350 & Reduced Texture Resolution Launch MSFS2024 Selected A350 No Cabin Select Airport etc & 'Ready To Fly' - seems very slow to zoom in to the Airport with Aircraft at selected gate When I continue out of the (what I'd describe as) looping video at the point where I should be able to walk around / Ctrl+C to enter cockpit, it then freezes the Sim This only happens with this aircraft with no changes to the sim
  7. Updated (v1.01), but I see the same result. Have also Started MSFS2024 with standard C152 at the same location as prior with otherwise same settings, weather, time, GPU (stuff / quality settings) All is good with C152, go back to the same airport (NZWN / Flightbeam) with A350, freeze / crash / hang. From my testing it does appear to be an issue with the A350, but happy to try / test any solutions suggested.
  8. Problem Launch MSFS2024 Select Aircraft (A350) & Departure Spawn to location, all loads, continue to outside of aircraft Can walk around CTRL + C to get to cockpit = Freeze, only resolution is Task Manager to force quit Tried the Following but results in the same problem Reboot / Re-Launch A350 with / Without cabin + Reduced Texture Resolution Sidenote All drivers etc up to date Other aircraft etc are performing normally & MSFS2024 is otherwise work fine Happy to share any logs you may require
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