Thanks Ini for your job….
Ok, the software is not perfect and has some bugs and lot of things can and sure will be enhanced but….
On my old system (2080ti) on msfs2024 is working great with great performances (40 fps in vr for the non-cabin version). Looks like many of that the people call bugs of the software are caused by their hardware/software combinations.
The depth of the systems is great (It would be nice to have random failures and I hope your will implement them asap).
I want to tell a thing about the flight model…. Despite I use flight sim for almost 40 years and despite I work in aviation since more then 20 ( many years on airbus as well)….I don’t know how much is good or not…. Why? Because I’m not a 350 rated pilot, and I never flown neither as passenger on A350, but I trust what you said…..
I mean….. for all the people complaining about the flight model… An aircraft does not fly like you think or hope or like it should fly…. Except if you are a rated pilot on that type!!!!!
About the sound from the cockpit… see above the same thing about the flight model.
So, hoping you will keep improving this plane.
I tell you thanks a lot.