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reece Cheng

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Everything posted by reece Cheng

  1. I'm going to completely uninstall Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, reinstall it, and then install the A350 to give it a try.
  2. Hello, you mean that the landing gear and avionics can't be loaded after the aircraft enters the runway. So, if I don't take any action, will they be loaded and can be used normally after more than 20 minutes? And it doesn't mean ending the flight, right?
  3. I've encountered the same problem. No matter how many times I uninstall and reinstall it, when I load the A350 on the runway, the loading speed is very fast, but the aircraft lacks landing gear, the avionics system is black, and when I open the WASM folder, it is empty with a size of 0Kb. The first time I installed it in the default C drive, the A350 could be used normally. However, after I uninstalled it and then reinstalled it in the D drive, I couldn't use it no matter what.
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