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  1. what if you don't use the physical keyboard then until they fixed it? did 3 flight and no problems, not hitting any video button and not using the physical keyboard
  2. So was wondering too why I see no mal at all. Just my plane. So this only works exclusively with Navigraph. And no bing / openstreet map at least?
  3. read somewhere you should also (first?) import the fp in the EFB. No idea whether that does the trick. just made a longer flight EGLL-KBOS without any problems... oh, just to rule that out. did you use the "official" simbrief profile for the 350? and also set the units to be the same, both EFB and simbrief must be either LBS or KG, mismatch did not let me load a fp earlier (in the EFB) though it gave me an error message in the EFB
  4. I just finished a long haul from EGLL to KBOS with no issues at all. Did not touch the physical keyboard, again no idea whether that helps. Also, no full freezes here, just MCDU. And in 2024
  5. ok, sorry to hear. on my end only the MCDU freezes. having not touched my physcial keyboard I was just able to do a flight EDDM-EGLL, all fine but will check whether this was conincidence or not
  6. those who see freezes, is it the MCDU only what freezes? if yes did you use for whatever reason your physical keyboard for data entry? could be conincidence but I just only used the keyboard on the pedestal and could enter what I needed to enter without a freeze - so far. currently enroute into EGLL...
  7. same. GND at EDDM. all fine until I tried to manually add takeoff speeds via keyboard. then the MCDU was stuck, everything else worked fine though. no navigraph here, just LIDO and simbrief. could seemingly un-stuck the mcdu by toggling it off/on once but then it hung up again and could not be re-activated
  8. should be there if engines are off. did you link your simbrief ID in the EFB? and have a valid flightplan filed?
  9. So that did not work when I just tried. I mean, yes I can import the fp manually that way. but not do an import from simbrief... will try again and yes, OFP was loaded into EFB. besides, when entering data using my keyboard, the MCDU hang up and could not be restored, but that seems to be one of the WASM crashes reported elsewhere
  10. What do you mean exactly? So you filed a simbrief fp say kbos-kord and then did what in the mcdu? Added kbos/kord in to/from and it loaded the complete fp? Need to try that then. Seldom have time to start cold and dark and thus need to import the fp with engines running, being real or not. For me a qol topic…
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