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Everything posted by rich88

  1. I don't think you are missing anything lot of people having issues with this plane. --------------------------- my ranty opinion I am also experiencing the issues on points 2 and 6. Managed to complete 1 very short flight in the 2020 version of this plane, even that did not go smoothly. The flight plan bugged out and was no longer visible after trying to enter an arrival / modify a STAR. This was my first Ini aircraft purchase, I have to say it has put me off purchasing further ini products. For £70 I expected the Aircraft to be in a much better state and thoroughly tested before launch. This feels like another "get it out the door and lets make some money and fix it later" deal. This practice is becoming far to common in flight sim and software in general. Its not helped by "you shouldn't expect it to fully work at launch" people... like no yes it should work at version 1.0
  2. Aircraft: -900 Simulator: both Navigation data: both FS2024(su1 beta installed) tried navigraph it crashed, restart flight, switched to default Navigation data, crashed again. Changed route same crash. For fs2020 only tried with default Navigation data. Ofp: can't sent copy at the moment but route used for testing was just EGLL-EGLL and EDDF -EDDF When I used insert next way point I either got a list without the wpt I needed, or look like I should see more options, typing in the wpt name and pressing enter crashed wsam. This was the exact routing: EGLL/27R N0438F240 UMLA1F UMLAT DCT TURLU DCT ORTOM DCT LEMGU DCT SEMMU DCT BERUL DCT TABIS DCT EVMEK DCT TANET TANE1Z EGLL/27L Wsam crash occurred when I tried to manually enter the waypoint "turlu" Obviously not a great route but should not have caused a crash. Specs: CPU 10700k RAM 32GB GPU 4070super I have also opened a case with ini support directly, last update suggest a fix in a patch coming out today. Not sure if that's still planned? Looking at the other wsam crash post's here mine seems Simular to the others, wsam cash when using the mcdu and ecam pages I have put screen shots on my support ticket, don't have access them at the moment. Typed quickly from phone apologise for for anything missing ortypos
  3. when I try and enter a waypoint manually into the MCDU by using the next waypopint option it crashes wasm every time. retried reboot sim, using a different route same result, unlink navigraph. as you can see in the attached pic I had bunch of warning in the log already, unsure if that's expected.
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