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Everything posted by dajad

  1. dont think so, my GSX dosent even work on Msfs2024…
  2. out since yesterday lol
  3. did you solve it ?
  4. coucou didier, I already did the SU1 before installing the plane….
  5. Hi guys, bought the 350, but when the engines are on, the plane simply doenst move. Tried from cold and dark, but also from spawning on the runway, and the problem was the same. the engines were working, (they were screaminggggg at toga), but the plane was simply not moving, like it was still on parking brakes. I tried the plane on 2020, and it works perfectly fine. I cleaned the wasm file, even deleted and reinstalled the plane for 2024. Nothing works. Anyone with the same problem ? What should I do ?
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