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Everything posted by Benja

  1. I have SU1 beta, i have cleared the WASM folder, started a flight on the runway, connected Navigraph, synced navdata, then closed the sim. Was able to start a flight at EGSS at a gate, perfomed pre-flight, pushed back, started the engines, set takeoff config, started taxing, then realised that i did not have a button on my thrustmaster TCA flight stick for the brakes, so opened the settings, assigned a button and saved. When resuming the fligt, the sim was down to 10 fps and unusable. Come om Inibuilds, this is just not good enough for a plane that costs 72 euro. All the included other airliners in my premium edition work fine, apart from a few small issues that can be handled. I really hope your working on a patch for this.
  2. This ridiculous. 72 euros for a payware aircraft and it doesn't work at all in MSFS24. I have tired everything i have found on this forum, plus other ideas i have googled. Installed SU1 Beta as instructed, have latest Nvidia drivers, have flushed the WASM folder, but nothing i do helps. Sometimes i can load the aircraft and even get in to the cockpit, but it then freezes after a while. Other times the entire sim crashes when loading the aircraft. Have only managed one time to make a complete pre-flight in the cockpit and this was at a non complex airport ESGJ that is too small for the A350 to take off. Seems to be a real performance issue at anything other than a grass field. Have tried EGLL, EGSS, EKCH, ESSA and EDDM. This is almost as disappointing as the initial realse on MSFS24
  3. Same here Pat. Have had crashes to desktop, stuttering, freezing. Seems to work fine if i choose a minor less complex airport, but then the runway is too short to takenoff. Tried EGGL, EGSS and EDDM, and all were bad.
  4. Same problem here. It depends on the airport. If i choose a small airport which is actually too small for the A350, it all works, but as soon as i choose a larger airport, such as EGGL, EDDM etc, it crashes the sim.
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