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Everything posted by Pericles

  1. Turning off all the assistance's seemed to clear things up for a brief test flight I did. Will try again tomorrow to see if that holds. Now if I can just figure out the cockpit freezes that so many others are experiencing...
  2. Same problem. AP will follow the flight line, but I get the same pitch up/low airspeed/stall combination no matter what I try. Anyone have an answer for this yet? Thanks!
  3. Ok, I think it's related to my airspeed. I can't get the plane past 220 knots or so. Tried setting thrust at different notches, etc, nothing works. Even with engines running at 93%, plane won't move. So then when I hit AP I get the huge pitch up, speed reduction, and stall. Is there something simple I'm missing with the thrust/autothrottle?
  4. As soon as I engage the autopilot the plane pitches up huge (vertical speed flies to 8000 fpm), speed drops to stall, and no matter what I do I can't get the speed up once the pitch settles down. My display says "AP IN PROT" at first and then switches to "A.FLOOR." Any idea what those mean and what I might be doing wrong? I calibrated my throttles so that's all good. Thanks!
  5. Same problem here! Haven't figured out why/workaround.
  6. Same with me, but then it went away when I signed up for the SU1 Beta
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