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r stevens

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  1. yes seems to be working. i assume just dont attempt to linc Navigraph to its all settled down.
  2. ive also just checked all my Navigraph stuff is up to date witch it is. and tryed again and still freezing. im going to try manuly uninstalling the a350 then restart and reinstall.
  3. hi Ive installed A350 MSFS2024, i got to the cocpit and put my navigrph detailas in and hoppe and then Up dated Navdata then it all froze i left it 10mins no change, so i re lunched sim and tryed again know it frezes out side aircraft. Ive tryed uninstalling and reinstalling but having the exact same issue it freezes 2secs when walking up to aircraft or going to cockpit. im lost to what to try bar a full sim reinstall.
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