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Everything posted by PatPico

  1. Thank you very much!
  2. Everything is ok! You have to install the beta! And everything works perfectly! Just great!
  3. So I did several tests. When NAVIGRAPH is not registered, it "works", as soon as I scan the QR code, it crashes. If I do not enter NAVIGRAPH, in the long run, it works, but there are several bugs. Joystick is no longer recognized, the MCDU does not react, the panel state function ditto, nothing happens... I tried to launch the simulator with the plane at the end of the runway, crash and instant return to the desktop! Small detail, I empty the WASM folder each time, and each time it is refilled with 2 folders MFS2020 and MFS2024. I no longer have FS2020... Now I will switch to the BETA version, to see if all these problems come from the...
  4. I do and I tell you.
  5. I'll test it and tell you. Thanks
  6. FS2024. No bêta version.
  7. Several unsuccessful attempts. Simulator freezes. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't... Too bad for a first! Very nice but doesn't work at the moment! Let's wait for future updates! 👍
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