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  1. I'm fully supportive of inibuilds but I do agree with Salmi in this case. The proportion feels a little bit larger than the real world counterpart and the windshield divider narrower. Had this perception going since developer streams and post release too. Again, my personal perception.
  2. Okay, I just uninstalled the whole MSFS 2024 and did a clean reinstallation. This appears to work finally.
  3. Hi, I've been having this issue since the first release. I can't seem to be able to update to the latest AIRAC cycle. I've followed the following steps as it was suggested in general as a workaround somewhere. During SU1 Beta: 1. Uninstalled the aircraft via inimanager. 2. Removed any file related to ini A350 from the community folder. 3. Cleared up A350 WASM files in Limitless folder. 4. Restarted computer. 5. Did a clean installation of the A350. 6. Loaded aircraft directly on the runway. 7. Went back to the main menu. 8. Loaded aircraft in cold and dark state at a gate. 9. Batteries, GPU, APU on. 10. Linked Navigraph through code (ensured Navigraph hub had latest cycles installed). 11. Clicked on update NAVDATA from the EBF. Then this is where the problem starts. It doesn't seem to update the airac at all. Says "Downloading" but then goes back to "Update NAVDATA". Also retains "Your navigraph data is out of date" message. Magically, it worked once on my third re-installation try out and did a couple of flights. For some other reason, I had to re-install the aircraft. But, since then I've failed to update NAVDATA following the same procedure as above. Tried browsing over internet and a few other mates do have the same issue. Link here for the reference. Navdata can't be updated - Inibuilds A350 - Navigation Data / General MSFS Data - Navigraph Updated to SU1: 12. Tried replacing the Navigraph provided WASM substitute. Still didn't work. 13. Uninstalled build 1.0.1. 14. Installed build 1.0.2. 15. Followed the same steps as above 2 - 11. The result is the same. Just doesn't update. 16. I've also tried resetting credentials and repeat the steps above. No success too. Is there anyway it can be force updated via Navigraph hub? I've repeated above processes at least 10-15 times (re-installations), etc. Nothing has worked so far. Last time I spent three hours trying but no success and same today. Was hoping the new update would fix it as stated by Navigraph but been not lucky yet. Could you please guide and or if anything in addition I need to offer? Many thanks.
  4. I think it's refreshing to see such post. Ini certainly needs some more encouragement as they've basically made our dream of flying Airbus long hauler true in many many instances. With regards to some other issues during flight (except for freezing things or CTD), I guess we all can consider those as random in-flight challenges until they get fixed (where required in reference to the real world counterpart) and bring the bird down safely. With regards to the flight model, guess everyone is expecting A350 to feel as heavy as 777, etc. or even the A330. I guess that's a very normal expectation perhaps. I too was amused hearing on their stream that the A350 is the most sensitive Airbus with regards to control sensitivity. Originally, I did have quite a few issues having the navdata updated, etc. which required me some 5-6 re-installations but finally it was there, and a couple with autopilot. There's always a thing called "product maturity" in product development & manufacturing even after the first production and I believe it implies to softwares as well. Especially considering hundreds of hardware combinations that exist in the world today (+ personalized system settings that are not default) unlike prior to 2010s, it can get challenging to make a software work on all those combinations and tweaks, etc.
  5. Also, sorry I missed SAS274's acknowledgement of "washed" colors coming from HDR followed by 8848's message. Looking at the screenshot led me into thinking it was more of "bloom's" problem. Regardless, sharing here what helps me a bit. Step 1: Open NVIDIA Experience app and turn NVIDIA Overlay "on" under settings. Sim must be closed while turning this on. Step 2: Load the sim and once you're in the cockpit, press ATL + Z. This will launch NVIDIA Inlay at the left hand side of your screen. Step 3: There's an option in that window called "Game Filters". Step 4: Choose "Profile 1" under profile caption box and select "Brightness/Contrast" filter from the list of available filters. Step 5: Adjust the values of "contrast", "shadows" to your likes. I suggest leaving the rest of the items' value to zero under "Brightness/Contrast" filter. Step 6: Close NVIDIA Inlay with ALT + Z. This saves the applied filter automatically. I apologize as I simply couldn't capture the in-sim screenshot with inlay UI deployed. For some reason, it always saved the screenshot without inlay UI. Hence, just words. However, this is before and after pic with and without inlay filter. This also reduces bloom around exterior landing light which otherwise is way too intense in my opinion. Before: After: Hope this helps.
  6. One of the buttons below while you're on SID dropdown menu.
  7. Sure. Need to allow "overlay" under settings of GeForce experience app first and then start the sim. Once you're in the sim, press ALT+Z and it should take you to the overlay window. I'm at work now.... 😬 let's me pull out some screenshots for you tonight with my settings. But here's a screenshot of what I had posted for another topic in the forum a few days back. The screens are dimmed a bit as it was a bit bright for me in the night time. But you might notice the reduced hazy bloom.
  8. I think it's because of the bloom in MSFS 2024 that you can't change turn on or off unlike in MSFS 2020. It creates some sort of hazy appearance within the cockpit especially and I personally feel it too strong even on 4K OLED monitor. What I did was increased the contrast to some 40 units and shadow to 20+ (depending on your preference) in Nvidia overlay app. The brightness, exposure, etc. were set to zero. This way I was able to reduce that hazy bloom a little bit and have a bit more of the screen's brightness. Just my personal feeling though. You can try and see if that helps.
  9. My apologies. I'm not too sure of LIDO as I'm on Navigraph AIRAC. Not having that sort of problem with it though. Sorry, I couldn't be of your help
  10. I recently did a ZSSS-ZGGG. Didn't see anything as such looking at your arrival at ZGGG. Let me as well try VHHH-ZGGG and get back to you later today. Btw, did you update NAVDATA AIRAC Cycle through EFB prior to this?
  11. I think you might need to check "ThrottleData.ini". Here's a link to the fix. Just check the very bottom of the page if you've already calibrated your throttles via EFB and still missing reversers. Also on another note, having calibrated both idle reverse and full reverse on my TCA Thrustmaster let the aircraft not have any reverse. I think that's just my hardware's quality issues. So, I've just calibrated the full reverse, idle, CLB, FLX and TOGA. Completely omitted idle reverse and it worked.
  12. Oh and also have to re-link & verify the plane with Navigraph from the EFB under Options> Third Party. Make sure you update the NAVDATA under the same page once linked and restart the sim. Hope it helps.
  13. Just to understand better, are you using the Simbrief ID (digits) and not the alphabets? If yes, maybe try resintalling the aircraft (remove any A350 liveries from community folder) and clear WASM folder specific to A350. There's an official tutorial in the forum and also mention of SU Beta being mandatory. I was having upgrading NAVDATA from the EFB and only a clear installation as mentioned above helped sort that issues. Reading through a lot of issues throughout the forum, it also appears that the process above helps to resolve a lot of those issues. However, there's like a patch upcoming later today that should fix some items.
  14. I've had the same at my very first attempt where the flight would keep loading for a long time but never took me to the aircraft. However, it wasn't a sim freeze or anything like that. Pressing ESC whilst on that window would take me back to the main menu without any CTD. Looking at the Task Manager, it was evident that the sim had disconnected itself from the internet network temporarily at that stage. Then, gave a shot with other default aircraft without quitting the sim which worked fine. What I did out of my intuition was unplug WINWING MCDU and restarted the sim. Then it loaded normally (also with installed liveries). I can't tell for sure that's the problem but it appeared to solve my issue. Wonder if you also own the MCDU, if so then there might be some sort of conflict caused by the incompatibility.
  15. If I'm not mistaken, it'll be one purchase with the installer giving you an option to install either on MSFS2020 or MSFS2024.
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