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  1. It is similar to that issue, except the sim (msfs 24) gets stutters that can't be stopped until the sim is restarted. in msfs 20, you used to be able to click ALT+Enter 2 times and it would work. It might be an issue with Fram gen as well.
  2. The stutters I get aren't just a small thing, my sim will freeze and then get constant stutters until the sim is restarted
  3. Basically, when I use the zoom feature on the PFD, my sim will freeze, then get loads of stutters. I dont know if this is a known issue, but others have had the same thing .
  4. In my recent days flying the A300 on MSFS 2024 (compatible version), I have realized that when I'm on approach and I go to plug my Thrust Master Boeing Yoke back into the USBC, the sim loses all recognition of my other USBs. they still work because I can type on Google, etc. This only happens in the A300 and not in the Fenix or other planes in the sim. I am on SU1 beta which might be the issue as well. My drivers are updated to the latest versions and all my USBs and USB Hubs are set to not go to sleep after unplugged. Im not sure why this happens but if anyone has a fix that would be great.
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