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Everything posted by Weeksy1990

  1. That’s correct - have to use the cursor to interact with the EFB so can’t avoid it really
  2. I think I’ve worked out how to avoid the issue! I’ve only had a couple of successful attempts since working this out and one was RNAV. Currently flying another to test it again but for me the issue (which as JayJay says is definitely linked to the co-pilot) seems to fix if you increase the Approach Speed. I’m not sure if ini/microsoft have noticed this and done something about it as it appears the VAPP speeds in the FMGC are now always above 130 but before they were as low as 126 which is dangerously close to red on the speed ribbon which may have triggered the co-pilot to think speed was dangerous. I’ve set VAPP at 136 and had a successful landing and am trying another one now into EDJA. Of course there is another issue this time in that the ILS freq hasn’t appeared in rad nav but that’s easy to manually insert.
  3. Hey, not a known issue as far as I am aware. It follows the simbrief fine for me and I landed my last flight within the past half an hour. What steps did you take to get the simbrief plan into the FMGC? A photo of your cockpit set up showing PFD and AP settings would also help and I’ll try to assist. The fact it is showing a straight line would suggest it hasn’t intercepted the flight plan to be able to enter nav mode. Likely an easy fix but I need to work out where you’ve gone wrong to tell you what to fix 😊
  4. Just to say I have exactly the same issue as JayJay’s video on approach there. Also even if I disconnect the APs to try to fly manually it does the same thing. I suspect it is an Xbox issue rather than just a controller issue hence not reproducing on PC. Works perfectly in 2020 where you can turn off the AI Co-Pilot but there is no setting to turn that off in 2024. JayJay has also reported this in the MSFS forum but no response there at all.
  5. After some further testing even when turning the autopilot off between 400 and 200 ft it seems impossible to land as the A/T goes into TOGA LK again. It’s such a great plane but would be lovely to be able to land on the ILS!
  6. It would be great to get an update on this. Even with all assists turned off Autoland is not working. It seems to be any flight I have used the cursor (which is unavoidable as you need it for the EFB) on Xbox.
  7. On Xbox msfs2024 the autoland system doesn’t function correctly. At around 100/200 everything AP related disconnects and TOGA initiates on the throttle. The ILS is correctly tuned and as it gets to this point no issues. Both APs and APPR are engaged. LOC and G/S capture no issues and LAND comes up in the PFD around 400 as expected but then at 100/200 it accelerates out as a missed approach. This has happened at least 90% of the time. All assists turned off but, of course, you can’t turn off the cursor mode AI pilot in 2024 and the cursor is needed to deal with ATC. I would note I always exit cursor mode after acknowledging landing clearance so it is not active at the point of the issue. Any ideas welcome!
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