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Everything posted by Network_Chris

  1. @AbonnierenAgree these RA Collouts are not original, the voice doesn't match
  2. Hello, I am the owner of PHNL (Honolulu) MSFS2020, will there be a MSFS2024 version where the bugs will be fixed?
  3. Hallo, ich bin der Besitzer von PHNL (Honolulu) MSFS2020. Wird es eine MSFS2024-Version geben, in der die Fehler behoben sind?
  4. Hello dear team, when will the sound finally be revised, regarding engines in cruise flight? It's starting to annoy me. Regards
  5. @richboy2307 Thank you for your time in explaining this to me, I wish you a merry Christmas.
  6. Hello dear team. The A300 in the Premium Edition is still quite performance-intensive. Will this be optimized? I have a 15% FPS loss
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