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Everything posted by TheMSFSPro

  1. Because my graphics was always poor, I moved to a new one and the issue fixed itself! Thanks again for giving your time to try to help me.
  2. Hello again, I have been looking through what I have posted and noticed that the video for this problem didn't import because it's too large. So, I posted the same problem to msfs and the video is attached there. Hope it helps! Here's the link: Up and Down A330 Cruise Motion – Microsoft Flight Simulator Support If the link doesn't work, try right clicking it and opening it in a new tab.
  3. Hello team Inibuilds, I have tried the a333 on a flight today without my keyboard connected and I still have this slight up and down motion. But I recently remembered that I had this issue with the headwind a339 in msfs 2020 on some past flight. So, this is probably something on my side with performance, not on yours. With this I will try to fix the bug myself or write a support ticket directly to Asobo and Microsoft. Thank you for all the support you tried to give me!
  4. Hey there, I already tried turning off the turbulence. The bug is still there. Also, none of my bindings are being pressed and they are not bound to the pitch in the flight control surface. Lastly all of my assists are off including rotorcraft assists. Today I will try flying the same route in the a330 I did yesterday, but without a keyboard connected to my pc. If everything stabilizes this means my bindings did interfere. Thank you
  5. Hello IniBuilds, I have been trying out your a333s in msfs 2024 and noticed that when I go above FL300 the aircraft starts jerking up and down. I thought it might be turbulence making this but that's not the problem. I also noticed this with your aircraft back in msfs 2020. Is this a problem with me or you? Thanks, TheMSFSPro.
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