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  1. I Never used Just Fligh RJ and still the same freeze issues 😞
  2. Hi all. This evening I tried a flight from EDDF to LIMC with A300-600F (PW DHL). Started with cold and dark, checked the maintenace page with all parameters ok (hyd fluids are above 90%). Imported flighplan from Simbrief, configured FMC (route and WB), start APU, pushback. Started engines without problem, but HYD YELLOW remain in lo press (no brakes available, and cannot activate both switches of pitch trim and yaw dumper). So I stop the engines, did maintenace (refill HYD fluids) and restart the engines again. Same situation. Maybe a bug? I saw that it's was an old BUG of the earlier version of the plane for MSFS2020.
  3. My simulators also run GSX, Navigraph EFB Charts, Simbrief EFB App, FSHUD (not running during this test), FSLTL (not running during this test) Regards. Diego
  4. Hello, tried again same sequence and got MSFS2024 froze again Following the details: - A300-600F PW UPS offcial inibuilds livery - Default EDDP on ground stand 503 - Loaded preset with APU - Imported simbrief flightplan from EDDP to LSZH (using LSZH from MK studios) - Imported the simbrief flightplan and load configuration via FMC Acars. - Selected the RWY 26L for EDDP departure and EDDP1S SID (since last time ATC gave me this SID instad of NEVK2N) - Removed the manual point into f-pln and also the following discontinuity point - Selected the RWY 28 for LSZH arrival STAR RILA2A via AMIKI when push to insert to validate the arrival procedure the MSFS2024 freeze as you can see in the attached picture. I also attache the OFP of this flight. Hope these details can help. Regards. Diego eddp-lszh-OFP.txt
  5. I had a freeze during I entered the STAR RILA2A via AMIKI for ILS RWY 28 LSZH. It happened during a fliglt from EDDP at 24000 ft during climb. Anyone has similar issues?
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