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  1. amazing thanks a bunch!! 🙂
  2. ashvin


    I should probably add, the main issue with sounds (and I've seen a number of other people discussing this on a msfs 2024 forum) is that the sounds mixing is not that great. What seems to happen is as thrust is increased for example, ambient sound levels decrease. This is not accurate to real life as the ambient sound should still be there but in the background as the engine sounds increase. Even the spool up levels dont sound right, it would be great if an overhaul of the sound was done!
  3. ashvin


    But its strange because the sound levels dont sound the same as the other default aircraft do. Will there eventually be a sound mod or something with better quality sounds ?
  4. can more liveries for the A321LR be made ? Its been a while and not any new ones have been created. A personal request from me would be the British airways a321 LR livery please! 🙂
  5. Hi there, the model of the wings of the a320neo v2 are SOO much better than that of the a320neo v2 in msfs 2020. However, ive noticed the flaps dont seem to come out very far. Setting full flaps looks like how the flaps should look when set to flaps 1 setting. Is this something that would be looked into and possibly improved ? Great aircraft ! 🙂
  6. ashvin


    I wanted to ask if there would be any updates or overhaul for the sounds of the defualt a320neo and a321LR ? The sounds of the a330 sound amazing and are really well done and immersive, just levels could be adjusted as they are a little unbalanced. The a320neo and a321LR however have rather poor sounds in my opinion. The engine sounds do not sound too great nor feel powerful when you increase thrust during takeoff and again the sounds are a bit unbalanced with other ambient sounds of the aircraft. I have compared the sounds on the actual neo aircraft and they do sound a lot different. All in all the aircraft models are really great !
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