Good morning (or afternoon)!
Something I had overlooked when implementing the plugin version of libradio, a library which makes the navaid simulation more realistic, was that it doesn't seem to publish the navaid ID to the default X-Plane dataref. As a result, it doesn't show up on the G1000 by default. The good news is that this has been fixed for v1.1.1, which should be coming soon. In the meantime, you could do one of two workarounds:
Manually identify the navaid by listening to the frequency and making sure the morse code matches up with what is on the chart (which is a bit tedious, especially when the morse code doesn't seem to be present on the chart like the NDB + DME + ILS 19 in ESOW you mentioned)
Remove the "libradio" and "OpenGPWS" plugins from the aircraft's plugin folder and use the default navaid simulation instead
The G1000 present in our DA40 is just the default G1000, just with some stuff drawn over it to add some extra functions. It should be able to the same approaches as the default G1000, and uses the default X-Plane 11 database. What RNP approach are you trying to preform?