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Speed_Limit75 last won the day on January 4

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  1. Hi, unfortunately we don't necessarily provide support for hardware like the Cessna Combo Panel you're talking about, but I would imagine there is a way to bind each button and position to an X-Plane command. The list of custom X-Plane commands can be found in the back of the manual, located in the manuals folder.
  2. Of course, although theoretically the iniManager should also handle updates for you. Are you using X-Plane 11 or 12?
  3. Thanks! I'll log some of these and send Brady the rest. The buttons are disabled by default because they're still a work in progress, so you will have to go into the aircraft settings & enable them there and then restart X-Plane.
  4. If I understand correctly, the RPM dial should be underneath the load dial. Can you please send a screenshot of what you are looking at?
  5. Pretty much what Brady said, a free X-Plane 12 update is being worked on which will include some of the new XP12 features in addition to other general features & fixes. You can mostly use the current DA40 version just fine (there are a few small issues that will be fixed), however you will need to change a value in Plane Maker to get the autopilot to work. To do so, follow the following steps: If you are using Plane Maker 11, go to Standard -> Systems and set "Preconfigured Autopilot" to "GFC700". If you are using Plane Maker 12, go to Expert -> Autopilot Configuration and set "Specific Autopilot" to "GFC700".
  6. Turns out I can't edit my post, but there appears to be a bug with the DME not showing properly. Will get that fixed for the next update, in the mean time you can remove "libradio.plugin" and "OpenGPWS" from the DA40's plugins folder.
  7. I believe you can show the DME distance if you press the PFD softkey and then press the DME softkey, although I can't double check right now. Will edit this post once I check just in case I'm wrong.
  8. Navigraph or any other service that provides the default X-Plane navdata format will work. I just tried loading into the DA40 a few times switching between the navdata X-Plane ships with and Navigraph, and it looks like the default navdata doesn't have those RNP approaches. However I do see those approaches with the latest Navigraph data , so I think it's just a case of older navdata.
  9. Good morning (or afternoon)! Something I had overlooked when implementing the plugin version of libradio, a library which makes the navaid simulation more realistic, was that it doesn't seem to publish the navaid ID to the default X-Plane dataref. As a result, it doesn't show up on the G1000 by default. The good news is that this has been fixed for v1.1.1, which should be coming soon. In the meantime, you could do one of two workarounds: Manually identify the navaid by listening to the frequency and making sure the morse code matches up with what is on the chart (which is a bit tedious, especially when the morse code doesn't seem to be present on the chart like the NDB + DME + ILS 19 in ESOW you mentioned) Remove the "libradio" and "OpenGPWS" plugins from the aircraft's plugin folder and use the default navaid simulation instead The G1000 present in our DA40 is just the default G1000, just with some stuff drawn over it to add some extra functions. It should be able to the same approaches as the default G1000, and uses the default X-Plane 11 database. What RNP approach are you trying to preform?
  10. The tablet requires AviTab, which should be available when the tablet is visible. Those errors are normal and present in my log, so that's probably not what caused the crash. Can you please post your full log?
  11. Hello! We will be looking into better hardware support in the next update for the DA40.
  12. We are working on macOS support for the next update, if you want to help test that update you can join our discord and wait for the announcement.
  13. Sorry for the late reply, I was out of town. The DA40 does not support macOS at this time, apologies.
  14. What operating system are you using, and can you send your log? While engine performance, EIS & AUX pages, and CAS messages are all being actively worked on, some of the other issues sound like the systems plugin isn't working.
  15. Hello! This is a known issue that will be fixed in the next update.
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