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  1. Hi Kevin, great! Thanks a lot. Regards, Fabian
  2. Awesome! 🙂
  3. Hello Kevin, looks very good. Thank you for the file. Do you have one for Macau as well? Thanks for your help. Regards, Fabian
  4. Hi Max, do you have any news in this case? Cheers Fabian
  5. Hi Max, thanks for your replay. As written your GSX-File works excellent. But the airport surrounding is quite not so nice. Here are the requested pics. Hopefully you can see what I mean. I marked the houses and roofs. Thanks for your help. Cheers Fabian
  6. Hi, I have installed your GSX file for Pacsim Manila and everything is working as expected. But If I use your file, I have ugly houses and roofes near the airport. If I install my file which is done with Airport Design Editor I do not have them. But then I do not have your GSX functionalities aswell. How do I get to both to have the best for my sim? Any suggestions here? I am grateful for any suggestion. ( If pics are needed, I will upload them) Thanks for your help! Cheers Fabian
  7. Hello, I have installed above file as follows. The content is moved to the folder texture.common200ER. As far as the files ended with GE; PW and RR, I moved them to these folders. As far as my understanding. How and where do I load the textures from the downloaded airlines? Maybe it's just me. But I find the instructions here more than poor and would be happy to know, how to install everything? Do I have to create for each livery my own aircraft.cfg file now? Thanks for the support. Regards, Fabian
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