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  1. Probably you need to add your product description that highlight this airport is only playable in high end env. (>= 4080 16GB)
  2. I had disabled all features in iniManager. it's still very very laggy. My GPU is RTX 4060 Ti 8GB, not the high end one indeed, but it is capable to run forza horizon 5 in ultra graphic setting in 60fps smoothly. 🙂 Sadly, this OMDB airport is not playable for the computer which is running GPU like mine (RTX 4060 Ti 8GB). Either my GPU is too "ugly", OR inibuild might need to optimize its airports properly!
  3. Correction... between gate F15 to F25 and gate B15 to B25
  4. Hi, When parking around Gate Fxx, (e.g. F10). My VRAM and GPU suddenly increase to 100%! I am using: Inibuild a320, inibuild OMDB, RTX 4060 Ti 8GB. In other gate, I got better performance
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