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Everything posted by r9202

  1. Hi, I downloaded tve a320 Inibuild v2 and seems it does not work at all on my xbox x. When I choose a selected airport to land ( not full flight) unlike the basic a320 asobo, when I start, I am already in toga lock, can't set managed speed; mcu inoperative. Is there another thing I need to install to be able to use this version?
  2. Hi there, I'm new so have basic questions. I have the basic mfs2020 asobo a320 version on xbox x. I see discussions on inibuilds versions so wanyed to know if these are available for xbox x or only PC? If so how to get these? In the current asobo version, I can't do the following: 1) insert P.B.D in FCU 2) Insert Intercept 3)Insert Holding Pattern 4) A.P ON on final ILS approach with GS descent, Heading is inoperative, i.e I cannot change heading when AP on with GS captured. Thos means that I cannot perform a proper circle to land procedure with AP ON. 5) level off by hitting F.P.A 0° during GS captures not possible. 6) Heading inoperative when AP is off. Are these possible with inbuilds?
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