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Everything posted by Sonkeli12

  1. Hi! If I remember correctly, I flew DRAG2Z SID from LEPA. It has a tight turn shortly after takeoff that the autopilot couldn't follow and turned the airplane to the wrong direction. I assume that's the reason for the crash. I don't recall pressing any buttons other than turning it into HDG mode after it stopped following the course. The other crash was described in the initial post, where the aircraft banked heavily down left during last steps of the climb. There I remember regaining control and de-activating TOGA LK by turning A/THR off, after which the crash happened. Hopefully this helps! Sorry for the lack of better detail on this instances.
  2. Hi! Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately I cannot take a screenshot as I'm running on cloud gaming on Xbox One but will have to take a video or a photo next time. This issue has now happened to me again and it went away by restarting the simulator and then proceeding on the same exact route. As for the FMC, I could interact with the buttons but they wouldn't do anything. Trying to remove AP, A/THR or any other systems did not work either. The last time this happened, I made sure the throttle was in the right detent but it didn't make a difference to the modes, even when switched between TOGA, FLX and CLB. Could be a WASM crash, then. I understand it is impossible to say exactly what happened without any screenshots, but thanks for the quick suggestions you gave!
  3. Hi! Today I was flying the following route on Xbox when all of a sudden during the last steps of the climb, the autopilot switched off and the aircraft banked heavily to the left and down, activating TOGA LK. I cleared that and managed to level off the aircraft, then re-engaging autopilot. It did not, however, follow the set course or follow the set altitude. The aircraft also didn't accelerate and struggled to maintain speed at flight level 320. I had to end the flight since the FMC and thus, the airplane, was unusable. I remember having this same issue sometimes on the A310 as well, although on a different route. No directs or SEC FP were used. LEBB 12 - AMTO4B 12 - TANGO - GODO2J 06R - LEPA ILS 06L-Z The issue happened somewhere after WP TANGO. Weather was set to a clear preset.
  4. Hi! This happened to me just now after trying to exit a holding pattern with "immediate exit", which did not work. I then tried to counter the hold by activating a secondary flight plan, after which the FMC froze. The issue happened within the approach, at waypoint DF414. This issue also occurs when trying to go directly to a waypoint. EGKK BOGNI1X 26L FERDI BUPAL REMBA PESOV TOBOP NIVNU IMCO1A 25L ILS25L SEC F-PLAN was a copy of active FP
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