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Everything posted by ThibaudBenjaminVandenhoven

  1. Well when i'm on the ground the stabiliser lights illuminate the empennage, But when i'm in the air the stabiliser lights do not illuminate the empennage but i didn't move the switch "Nav&logo" to off
  2. I'm not an expert of the A310 but i thought if i activate the nav&logo it will still on for the whole flight but is not... is it an automatic system in the aircraft?
  3. well i had make a new flight yesterday and now is working... sorry for the post
  4. it's been a while i had stopped to fly the A310 due flight plan problem, when i'm at the gate making my cold&dark procedure, i enter the flight plan, everything looks good but for some reasons the autopilot seems working properly when suddenly a few minutes latter the lateral plan just not working any more just like L-NAV is dead, and the hdg is acting weird when activated... So is anyone have any idea or is me who not operate he aircraft properly?...🤔pls let me know Oh and btw it's doesn't change anything to deinstalled and reinstalled the game i had did it like 5 times...
  5. "i accidentally put the sec flight plan in the end of the main flight plan, as a suite of the flight plan" WARNING the video lags a little at the end 2024-08-26 21-29-50.mp4
  6. i mean option A sorry has you said for me it's all because the game is like to internet
  7. i had make a explicative video but, is too big to be send, so yeah basically that's it, i accidentally put the sec flight plan in the end of the main flight plan, as a suite of the flight plan, i know is no import but here's all my information on my flight... and i replaced the point "LA" by "AGO" and remove the point "NZ" cause it was not like in my flight plan... i thinks also that it's the option B
  8. my edit crash, i was saying everything freeze except buttons, and views
  9. i just realise that the Engines and Apu fire extinguisher donsn't work too... the transponder&radio also and the Ecam, some thnigs work but many others not
  10. it's not the first time that's happened to me but i need to know why, the both mcdu have frozen, i can't enter any more information or even change page... everytime that i forget and configure the flight plan for the alternate airport in the main flight plan instead of the second one, the both mcdu frozen complely. am I really obliged to restart... I promise I won't bother you again after that.
  11. i just realize how stupid i am, you're right that time i completly forgot the link between the Engines and the hydraulics, maybe cause i was tired lol, but yeah i was still at the gate so with the Engines off checking my flight control early as i'm supposed to do it... sorry for that
  12. Well i'd restart my flight and... nope still the same problems
  13. Well i was almost ready to pushback for taxi when realized, the Ecam show me the roll and spd brk doesn't work... so i has looked up to the overhead panel to see what's happening with my flight control, and i saw, the "SPLR & SPD BRK" 7 fault, 6 fault, 5 fault, 4&1 fault, 3&2 fault, And finally on the "PITCH FEEL" sys 2 fault... so i had turn theme off then on and... nothing, even on the tablet no maintenance for the wings... SO my question is, what i'm supposed to do?, or i have to restart my flight? 😞 I'm already down to the A300 as I'm having problems with my A310 with the flight plan (a kind of L NAV problem) and HDG.
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