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  1. After removing all content from my community folder I was able to find the add-on that was causing the issue. It was "Real Taxiways Europe" by JustFlight. Usually it "knows" to apply the texture only on default scenery but I guess there are exceptions 🙂 Anyway I renamed the LPMA texture BGL extension to BAK and now everything is working fine.
  2. Hi, Thanks for your reply. I just tried it and it doesn't effect the issue 😞 It can be some scenery that I have on my community folder that causing this issue with the Atelic. I don't know. I also tried and see if the same issue exists with the AmSim scenery and it doesn't so clearly something colliding with the Atelic one
  3. Hi, Yes, I have already tried this but without success. I had the AmSim version but uninstalled it before installing the Atelic version. Asobo version is also removed and I don't have the Vessels Madeira mentioned in the manual. After rebuilding the indexes, the only madeira file is the atelic-airport-lpma-madeira.dat
  4. Hello I bought the scenery but after installation I see some weird height difference in the sea near approach to runway 23. Attached screenshot Please help me Thanks
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