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  1. Yeah have done anything humanly possible there. The problem is that second after turning it off Master Switch is stuck (cant press it) (and because of that you cant turn it on again after landing) and apu isnt shutting off its stuck on being on.
  2. Hi whats the progress of fixing this bug? Its annoying to use 320n because of it
  3. Here it is
  4. Hi. Yes thats what im doing. Dont know why but apu master switch button just freezes and apu is on hole flight. Had this issue for a month maybe slightly longer. (I would add a video to showcase what im talking about but size of it is too big)
  5. After starting engines and "turning off apu" it doesnt turn off during hole flight and after landing whem trying to "turn it back on" it doesn allowe looks like "apu master switch button is stuck" (im on xbox)
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