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  1. I updated the navdata in my a350 of course. I don't think I can update a350 navdata with Nav hub in 2024, there is no such option. And I use the airframes offered by inibuilts, it can not be wrong
  2. I have update navata with navigraph again and gain
  3. Further more, when I tried to put the plan manually, here is what happened
  4. tried~ still the same, change the airport and the plan. I got OFP correctly imported the simbrief plan, it just doesn't work with FMS
  5. Nope, I didn't see that, if it wor, it will turn light and then I can insert the plan But it won't. That's the issue
  6. Hi, I have an issue of F-plan import with a350. I can import simbrief data in 350 EFB, payload data and TO perf data work normally. However, I just can not integrate F-plan in FMS. Once I press CPNY F-plan request button, it turned to request pending and no plan inserted. I don't know if it just me who has this kind of issue~~ Trust me, I have everything put correctly in options. My navigraph and simbreif dispatch all work normally.
  7. Same problem here. I spent 3 hours to get it work~ its really unplayable now. I'm in MSFS 2024
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