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  1. Problem still persists after the recent update. I'm unable to install any A350 liveries from the iniManager since the Liveries page is completely unresponsive.
  2. The 'Liveries' page is unresponsive. I can only view the liveries for the first aircraft on the page (A330). The app does not respond when I click any other aircraft in the menu on the left. This issue is present 100% of the time. I am able to install/uninstall liveries for A330, but the is glitchy and slow to respond. I have already tried re-installing iniManager, but the problem persists. I'm currently using iniManager version 2.4.3 on Windows 11 but the same issue was present in older versions as well. Screen recording showing the issue: Screen Recording 2025-02-10 232623.mp4
  3. I made my last comment on a Friday and I'm hopeful for a response by tomorrow. 🙂 I have no reason to doubt their intentions; I'm confident they strive to ensure accuracy in most aspects, including the external model. This is particularly true for the wings, which are arguably the most prominent feature of the airframe.
  4. @richboy2307 Please confirm these findings and, if warranted, pass them on to the team?
  5. Indeed, the real-life flaps are designed similarly to an airfoil, featuring a significant curvature on the upper surface. This curvature appears less pronounced on the model version presented in the trailer. It's likely that iniBuilds is aware of this discrepancy, and an acknowledgment would be appreciated ;). Certainly, you make a valid point. It's possible they have access to quality technical references, and there might be another rationale behind their modeling choice. However, the evidence seems to suggest that the model has certain shortcomings.
  6. You may have noticed something noteworthy; however, I would like to point out that the picture you referenced was taken from a different perspective, which could make the flaps appear different. This is particularly true for the features of the flaps closer to the window. Nevertheless, nice catch! Hopefully, the team will review it, but we don't know about the the type of reference material used to model the wings and flaps, whether it's images captured from various angles, technical drawings, or 3D scans.
  7. In the recent FAQ you write the following in response to a question regarding automatic step climbs during accelerated sim rate: In my view, a key feature of the PMDG 777's auto cruise system is its ability to automatically adjust the simulation rate dynamically, up to a user-defined maximum. This adjustment is based on the auto flight system's load. For instance, during complex maneuvers such as turns or step climbs, the system will reduce the simulation rate to maintain the auto flight system's performance. I believe this significantly enhances the stability of time acceleration. Could you confirm if there are plans to implement this feature, rather than solely providing manual simulation rate adjustments?
  8. Are there additional developer livestreams scheduled for the event? For instance, the iniBuilds premier aircraft series announcement tomorrow and the A350 showcase on Thursday?
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