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Charles Riethmuller

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  1. Hi, I think I know what nobody will explain especially if you’re in Xbox. The keyboard from the console does not match with the tablet. First, go to settings on the tablet, enable keyboard. Then enter your 6 Digit Simbrief ID with the virtual keyboard of the tablet. Then it works
  2. To know your pilot ID, you need to go to your account settings in simbrief. Once done, type your ID in the mcdu. On the tablet, go to settings, enable keyboard. Type your pilot ID (6 digits), with the virtual keyboard only! On the home page of the tablet you download the simbrief plan. Go to payload, download from simbrief, apply. On the MCDU, you go to init, request init. Enter FLT NR and CI. Go to F PLN, enter SID, STAR. Go to the tablet, payload, after it applied, note the gross weight 60.000-76000 kg. Go to takeoff on the tablet. Select runway, sync. Indicate your weight, with the virtual keyboard and then calculate. Send to FMGS. On the mcdu, init, right arrow, just click on the empty line ZFW, Click on Block Fuel, go to perf, enter the info from the tablet and fly
  3. Hi, the A/THR works perfectly on this aircraft, even better than any other. Sorry, I don’t have the 737, so I cannot say it is better 😂. To reach the selected altitude in your simbrief flight plan, you need to select the altitude in the aircraft, then click auto managed. A white point will stay on the side. Don’t enter a speed, don’t enter a VS. All white points! After T/O, autopilot on, A/THR on it will go to altitude with constraints. For descent, once you reached your TOD, you select the lowest altitude in your FMC, auto managed altitude, white point, it goes down. Good flight
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