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  1. Just happened to me right now. I was on an approach to KMCO, deleted a "hold" that was published on the RNAV approach for 36L (EXBAN) and all of a sudden all my displays and MCP knobs became unresponsive. Couldn't change map mode on the ND, range, etc.
  2. Thanks Sam, but that wasn’t my question. For example, when I’m in the cockpit I’d like to slowly move the camera from one side to another but NOT be allowed to go through the windshield into the outside the plane. On the cockpit OBJ file, I did see that there is a ATTR_SOLID_CAMERA line in the list by default, whoever it doesn’t seem to have any effect at all. -Efrain
  3. Hello, new to the forum. Is there a way to make the camera views not go past lets say, the windshields/fuselage skin on the A300? -Efrain D.
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