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Everything posted by Thompson

  1. Of course, you can always use the direct button to navigate directly to any waypoint in the flight plan.
  2. I have seen that problem repeated in XBOX users, I play on PC, I really do not know the reason. If you make me a video of a flight you're doing maybe I could see if you're doing something wrong.
  3. Of course dude, i'll make it.
  4. Well practically the suggestion consists of two features that would be ideal to implement in the aircraft with the aim of improving the user experience and ease of flight aboard this incredible Inibuilds aircraft. First, about navigation charts, add to the tablet an option to be able to see both navigraf and local files that the user can have stored on their PC (in the same way that FBW A320 does) Secondly, it would be ideal if, by typing the flight plan into the MCDU, the ATC recognized the plan and allowed IFR clarence to be requested for the flight plan, many aircraft do it directly. So far the only way to request IFR flight is to add the flightplan to the map before starting the fligh Greetings to all.
  5. Forget what I said earlier, I found the solution so that the ATC can authorize the IFR flight, I leave you a video below: https://youtu.be/lkgRYEzFBbs?si=MY87m9zNaoryoPcJ
  6. Unfortunately not, the addon is only available on the market for PC users.
  7. As I told you before and it is seen in the video, you have to turn up the volume in the audio panel of the A320, in addition to that you have to press the button to turn blue, an indication that confirms that comunication are on, next to that you have to have the "call" button of the com1 activated. I can make a video for you to see more clearly. If it doesn't work, you might have the ATC voices disabled, that's what you need to set up in the user's help pane. Regarding the IFR clarence of the ATC unfortunately it is not possible to request it after filling out the flight plan in the MCDU as in other aircraft, I hope the Inibuilds team will fix it.
  8. Maybe we have to update the Direct compilation of C/C++
  9. About the cockpit door it can only be opened if you have the interior addon that unfortunately is only available for PC, therefore you will not be able to do it in XBOX, regarding the flaps I have not noticed how it is in PC but it could be a compatibility problem. About the flight plan you would have to show me a video to try to understand if you're putting something wrong or there's really a problem there.
  10. Apparently this only happens when interacting with the alternative flight plan, I was just able to fly without touching that MCDU option and I had no problem during the flight.
  11. To solve the ATC you must activate the volume of the communications on the panel, activate the button and have activated "call". I'll leave you a video about it for more detail, watch from minute 7:20 https://youtu.be/nuOs7ww2JLA?si=1ZcBHvf2i510p3fF
  12. For me it's the same. Everything worked perfectly until yesterday, when you get to the runway for takeoff all the systems freeze and it's impossible to fly the plane.
  13. Hello everyone I have read and seen many videos of people who already have the A320NEO developed by Inbuilds and Asobo, but I do not understand how to get that plane. If anyone would have any information to know more about the subject, they would be grateful.
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