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  1. It depends if the operator has a tug that lifts the aircraft or not. If a tug with a towbar spawns it won't lift the aircraft even if the option is on, and the gear failure won't happen, but if you select an operator with a lifting tug the gear always fails, at least on my part.
  2. I have the same issue. Rudder controls tiller is on, tiller is turning, nose wheel is turning. However when I increase the throttle a little bit to get the aircraft going and I input full tiller to any direction, the aircraft seems to start turning in that direction but shortly after it turns to the completely opposite direction. Regarding what srce said, I get the same red message that the gear is damaged when I pushback via GSX and I have the nose wheel lift option on. So this might be what causes the issue. When I pushback with a towbar without nose lifting, the message doesn't appear and the airplane steers normally. The workaround I see right now is to disable pushbackRaise option in GSX Menu > Customize Aircraft, however this setting is not persisted and will be turned back on every new flight.
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