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Everything posted by perry24

  1. So, I downloaded the Inibuilds A350 profiles for Sim-brief, I plane my flight on there and the import it into the sim. When it gets to the fuel page, ZFW, Fuel etc.. is all correct as per sim brief, but I always get a DEST EFOB error showing the Fuel upon arrival is always below the minimum required. I then have to increase the fuel, in most cases by an extra 10,000kg+ some times even more just to get it within limits. Is this a know issues ? just seems crazy im taking just shy of 85,000kg for a LHR-JFK route when Sim brief only plans 60,000-65,000kg max. Thanks, Perry
  2. So I know these WASM bugs are an issue, especially when clicking on the 'video' button & it has been working pretty well since the update. However, I have now noticed, when clicking on a waypoint and entering a Step Climb (new Alt), this also then freezes everything. Has anyone else had this issue ? Thanks!
  3. Haha, sorry, first time with the A350, thought the glareshield panels still light up with just Ground Power, my mistake!
  4. Its a great AC and the work Inibuilds have done is incredible, but the plane is pretty much un flyable at the moment. Every flight I have started, at various points everything inside the flight deck freezes, all displays and buttons. The sim itself isn't frozen as the Aircraft continues to fly, but cannot do anything from inside the flight deck, meaning you have to close the sim & re start from scratch. Is this a know but? Fingers crossed a fix will be released soon as very reluctant to do any long flights with this happening. Many Thanks
  5. Hi, First of all, what a fantastic job you guys have done! I am having a issue where the OIS will not display, this seemed to happen after changing the EFB setting to realistic and now unable to change back & also glareshield is not showing any data (Speed, Alt etc) The brightness is 100% on full. I got the glareshield working when I went onto the EFB page and selected the Ground with APU option panel state, but obviously am unable to do that now as the EFB is not working. Any help here? Thanks, Perry
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