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  1. Nobody with a clue?
  2. Hi all, I have installed the free Dynamic Lighting packages for some of my Add-on airports and I am experienceing some strange light effects: During approach the apron lights are kind of floating over the apron. The floating decreases the closer I get to the airport. Shortly before landing the floating stops and they look as they should. I could see this behaviour at EDDF and EDDL. I have reset my P3D PC some days ago and I can't recall of having this issue before. I then tried with AntiAlias set to 8xMFAA and 4xSSAA. No difference. Anyone with an idea, what could cause this effect? Thanks, Michael
  3. that would be fantastic. I'll dm you.
  4. That's interesting - with EnvShade being deactivated I now see the Apron being lid up in EDDL at least. LFMN and LIMC still unchanged - dark.
  5. Hi Kevin, yes, I have. Just to be sure: 1) I copied all effects from the downloaded effects library folder into the P3d effect folder > so I added 62 files. There was no overwriting ask and I didn't delete the existing p3d files. 2) I copied the bgl file for LFMN into the LFMN .../scenery folder and renamed the original DL file to "dyn_lgt_LFMN.BGL.orig" 3) P3D.cfg and settings for scenery effects changed according to your manual I also tried with an JustSim EDDL and with Aerosoft LIMC. Never saw a difference to the original (Justsim Airports generally dark / Aerosoft airport has DL on, but unchanged) I guess, I am missing out something in general. I am using ENVTex/Envshade. Would this matter? Thanks, Michael
  6. H Kevin, loading the scenery again, I believe I made something wrong. No lights at all. On the TopDown pic you only see the roof of the terminal building and the street lights behind the airport. On the Tower pic, you only see a part of the tail from an aI aircraft. Michael
  7. Hi Kevin, I just installed my very first inibuild DL package for LFMN, following your instructions. First of all, thank you for this great service! However in my case, the scenery (Apron) still looks too dark. DL and HDR is activated. Would I have to adjust the HDR values within P3D? Or is there a way to change certain parameters in some ini or cfg files? Thanks, Michael
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