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Everything posted by SUB750T

  1. This plane is a joke!
  2. Agreed need this fix ASAP!
  3. SUB750T


    Agreed, for $105 cad HAVING THIS BAD PRODUCT i ALSO DEMAND A REFUND! You can't push this crap on your customers inibuilds.
  4. They still did noting to fix a330 in fs2024 when loading simbrief in mcdu and freezes when exit to Main Menu
  5. Yes I had to increase from P3 to P5
  6. Looks like just the terrain is not working, weather seems to be ok...
  7. Hey INI Builds Devs, is it me or there is no Terrain and weather in all A333/A332 available now in MS2024 in the Displays?
  8. Yes it unflyable now does not recognize half of the ILS in China and you can't even enter it manually!
  9. Hi, is there a reason why the cockpit in A332 is un-finished comparing to A333? The middle sun visor is not folding, LT Celling lights not working and tail logo not lightning up? All these are available on A333 why not on A332?
  10. Hey Steve can you provide and option button to skip this effect for people who use Frame Generation so it looks naturally. Many Frame generation card Owners will have the same issue here
  11. Found the problem is when the FRAME GENERATION is turned On is the game setting. Does not happen on any other engines but Inibuild.
  12. Hello, My left engine is always sparkling, not sure what graphic setting i have set wrong on my rtx3090 or is it the sim or the plane or something else? I'm on ultra 4k. Does anyone else has this issue??
  13. SUB750T

    CTD mcdu

    Are you aware of Sim freezing after the flight of a330 and exiting from the fight to the main menu every time?
  14. SUB750T

    CTD mcdu

    Hey Eddie, Did the reinstalment after patch and still there are many issues with inibuilds planes and the game. Glad to hear Asobo is going hard with patching. You guys should follow their steps and fix your planes as per our submissions to support we provide you.
  15. SUB750T

    CTD mcdu

    This does not fix anything as the Game and the planes are all bugged out in an Alpha stage not a final release. Fix your bugged product with the Game and stop given bad advice to us like we were kind of new to this and not know what we are doing!
  16. SUB750T

    CTD mcdu

    I could not scroll down the Stars Transitions today on a332 as it was stuck at the first page. I was able to scroll in the backup one but when moving it back to primary they got lost. Inibuilds you need to fix those planes as they were rushed with all the MS2024 release not ready for Customers! Not cool at all!!!
  17. SUB750T

    GSX Profiles

    Nope it only supports the A333 variant not the A332. You have to change Icao Type in simbrief airframe for GSX to recognize the A332 variant from A332 to A333. Also the stair will be trying to go to the longer version of the 3 doors...
  18. Found it in tablet under Ground below config 🙂
  19. How to turn it on? I start the plane with APU and is dark in passenger cabin?
  20. All the A330 are crashing the FS2024 when loading the livery.
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