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  1. Thanks for your advice. Unfortunately that didn't solve the issue. However I have worked out what the issue is. I am playing on my son's xbox. He's got the standard game through the gamepass. I noticed that since I bought the AC, every time I load the game it prompts me to 'upgrade'. So I did just that and bought the premium deluxe. And voila...problem solved! I have a minor issue now with loading simbrief into the fmc. It loads into the tablet but that's it. But I've checked on the net and everybody appears to be having this problem, so will have to wait for the next patch. Beautiful plane. It's like an old fashioned cockpit mixed with a modern one. And the engine noises?? Wow!!
  2. Hi everyone, I'm new around here! So, I purchased the inibuild A300-600. I use MSFS on Xbox. When I load a game using this AC, dark and cold on the ramp/gate, I cannot do anything to get power. Can't request a power unit from ATC as radio has no power. I've switched all batteries on. So, I tried the APU...nothing. and then I realised there was zero fuel so no wonder the APU would not start. I went into weight and balances and inputted fuel. But it just simply resets to zero fuel. I've tried this from the top menu and the EFB. Even loading my FP from simbrief doesn't alter the fuel. All I can do is open and close the doors. I had a brain wave of starting my flight on the runway and then everything will be powered up and ready. I was wrong. The minute I'm in the cockpit the engines quit and I'm back to square one, no power sitting on the active RW. Anybody else had this? Please help if you can.
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