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  1. The common denominator amongst all who report this problem is the A300. I have not experienced this issue with any other add-on. Thats not to say that asobo doesn't have issues behind the scenes, because we know that there are issues with the base sim at times. I'm glad you and the person replying before you have not experienced the issue, but there are enough people experiencing the issue to warrant further investigation. Hopefully they'll get to the bottom of this issue soon!
  2. I am not compensated by inbuilds in any way, shape, or form. I understand that it computer programming can be so fickle because there are infinite hardware/software configurations to try and plan for. The sample size of users experiencing the issues "may" be relatively small compared to the number of copies sold. What I do not understand is why the testing is being pushed off on the customer. I have a day job, flying airplanes. During my time off, I choose to load up an airplane and fly it across the country. I have done so without incident using other add-ons for years. I do not understand why this airplane is the exception. I'm curious to know how many people just put the plane down when this sort of thing happens and don't bother to report anything. The quality control has to improve. I realize that it may not come off this way, but I mean this in the most constructive way possible - I genuinely want ini to succeed, because companies with your capabilities are great for the hobby. But I don't think dedicating multiple paid testers to trying to reproduce major (in consequence) outliers is too much to ask - have them test scenarios throughout a week testing phase putting the airplane through its paces. To summarize my flight parameters from the other night (that resulted in the failures/issues previously listed), in the interest of cooperation: -Screenshot of frozen systems was previously attached. -AIRAC 2403 via Navigraph -Fresh restart of MSFS -Cargo Variant A300 (v1.1.1 w/hotfix via the inimanager) with this repaint: https://flightsim.to/file/67724/inibuilds-a300-600f-sky-lease-cargo-n501tr -Cost index 100 -Real time with live weather - Route:GLADZ3 BAGGS Y290 BACCA DCT ROZZI Y280 LEV J86 ELP J50 SSO J4 WLVRN DCT ESTWD HLYWD1 -Route/Weights imported via simbrief. Weights: EZFW-180,880lbs Fuel-67,134lbs -Previous Actions: DIR To ELP at or around the CUZZZ waypoint. Changed cruise altitude in MCDU and ALT SEL to increase FL from 360 to 380 to "attempt" to compensate for excess fuel burn. Still would have run out of fuel just past ELP -Connected to and flying on the VATSIM network -Autopilot was flying at the time with "managed/profile" modes engaged. A/T engaged -Airplane had been in cruise for hours without issue, apart from the excessive fuel burn
  3. Edit for Clarification: SU14 Navigraph Navdata No Crash, Damage, or Icing enabled.
  4. Okay, so I've seen this post before. I know that its been reported, but I had the flight from H*LL all at once, which is frustrating considering what I know you all are capable of. I was enroute from MIA to LAX (direct-to a waypoint) when my fuel burn went through the roof. The two fuel counters had a bunch of numbers on top of one-another, and I was down to 14,000lbs left when I started with almost 70,000 (more than enough for the route). This is NOT the first time I've seen this error, but I figured it was a one-off. At almost exactly the same time, the overhead Pitch Trim and Yaw Damper switches kicked off, and the autopilot disconnected without alarm. The Attitude indicator froze, FMS/MCDU wouldn't do anything, and there was NOTHING I could do to recover the airplane. Saving the flight and reloading rectifies the display issue, but the system freezes and you're left without working autopilot/gauges after a few minutes again. Take a look at the photo I've attached for reference. My four hour and thirty minute flight is TRASH halfway through. Minor Gripe: The ripples on the nose are too much. I was looking at photos close up of the nose, and the ripples definitely weren't as defined on the real aircraft. I understand the effect of pressurization over time on the skin of an airframe - the jet I fly is decades old. Its just a bit too much. As I've mentioned before, I hold inibuilds to a fairly high standard. Your sceneries and airplanes have been top-notch until this point. I'll preface the following by saying that I have experience in the beta-testing field and as a professional pilot. I get it, you guys have a lot going on and it hard to chase down every bug. That being said, these bugs by themselves are a pretty major concern. When combined, it makes for a ridiculous experience on an airplane we paid good money for. After reading so many bug reports, it definitely seems like something worthy of PRIORITY. I am getting pretty close to shelving this airplane.
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