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Everything posted by Deebs2003

  1. Spool upto 40% N1 then press toga.
  2. I run DHL virtual and fly out of Leipzig most days in the A300 and not had this issue there (using the digital design airport) but I have had this randomly in the climd when there is turbulence. It always re engages so not been more than a nuisance but I assumed it was normal behaviour in "chop"
  3. Update you called it perfectly went into maintenance and serviced everything and now working perfectly
  4. Batteries on but will check APU in maintenance menu, good call :-)
  5. Mt specs Intel i7 8700K @ 4.5GHz, Asus Hero XI Motherboard, 64 MB Corsair Vengeance 3200 DDR4, ASUS 2080TI
  6. I'm not having that but I'm flying in the Caribbean today so not the most demanding area to be fair. Performance for me seems no different just an APU start-up issue since the upgrade. Daryl
  7. Hi all Has the start up process for the APU changed as since the upgrade it does not start up any more, Batts and Gnd Pwr on APU Master Switch to on, press start and nothing. Am I going mad lol. I've attached pics of both the APU status screen and switch positions.
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