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Alan Lee

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Everything posted by Alan Lee

  1. Hi, Thanks for your advice. After uninstalling and re-instal I still had the problem. Bearing in mind that V2 can be seen on the FMC and altitude in the PFD, it was clear that the issue was illumination and not that my inputs had been lost. I had no keys assigned to lighting so there was no conflict, so I tried the opposite and assigned a keyboard key to panel lights. Success! Appreciate your help
  2. Hi John, What is A300 AME? No. It happened on the first flight with v1,03, but through continuous re-switching I managed to get it to work. Every other attempt at flight the light has failed to come on. Once it actually worked but switched off just before take-off. On my one successful flight, I was unable to control speeds as in the recent autopilot meltdown posting. I haven't been able to reproduce that one as I have been unable to make any more flights. I worked in Airbus sales during the introduction of the A310 and A300-600 and worked on the American Airlines account. Cheers Alan
  3. Hi, I love your new aircraft, but have had difficulty following the recent updates. Apart from MSFS crashing on sfter selecting "FLY" (I have sorted the reason for this out yet). My big problem is that the AFCS rarely illuminates. After IRS is up and route loaded, I go to the Pitch Trim, Yaw damper etc switches but the AFCS does not illuminate. I did once get it to come on but it switched off again before take-off. Thinking that the problem in someway related to the IRS, I switched them all of and restarted them, but it made noe difference. I never had a problem with the initial release. Can you help please?
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